Betekenis van:
public library

public library
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a nonprofit library maintained for public use



    1. This town boasts a large public library.
    2. You can borrow a copy from any public library.
    3. See
    4. (optional) location of Internet use in the last three months: public library,
    5. (optional) location of computer use in the last three months: at other places (e.g. public library, hotel, airport, Internet café).
    6. The relevant addresses of the paying agencies are available on the European Commission website CIRCA (
    7. Guidance Document on the Eutrophication Assessment in the Context of European Water Policies, Document No 23. European Commission (2009). See
    8. location of Internet use in the last three months: elsewhere (optional: report separately for public library; post office; public office, town hall or government agency; community or voluntary organisation; Internet café)
    9. location of Internet use in the last three months: at other places (optional: report separately for public library; post office; public office, town hall or government agency; community or voluntary organisation; Internet café; hotspot),
    10. See Commission Decisions (no comments), Case EL/2006/0493: call origination on the public telephone network provided at fixed location, Case EL/2006/0494: call origination on individual public telephone networks provided at fixed location, and Case EL/2006/0495: transit services in the fixed public telephone network. = detailed&sb = Title
    11. Comments to CPSC on Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on baths seats and rings by Harvard School of Public Health — Department of Health Policy and Management. May 2001.
    12. develop quantitative targets for the digitisation of analogue material in archives, libraries and museums, indicating the expected increase in digitised material which could form part of the European digital library and the budgets allocated by public authorities;
    13. By way of derogation from Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No 214/2001 no notice of invitation to tender will be published [4] The relevant addresses of the paying agencies are available on the European Commission website CIRCA (
    14. By way of derogation from Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No 214/2001 no notice of invitation to tender will be published [4] The relevant addresses of the paying agencies are available on the European Commission website CIRCA ( .
    15. Clause 12 of the Old Public Service Contract lays down in detail which costs can be compensated for and how they are to be calculated: the coverage differential (the difference in costs borne by RTP Channel 1 and the costs borne by the largest private television operator), the operating deficit in the Autonomous Regions, the deficit in running the audiovisual library, the operational cost of RTP-International, the cost of operating the structure for cooperation with the Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOPs), the cost of allowing viewing time for certain entities, the cost of delegations and correspondents, and the costs of the S. Carlos National Theatre Foundation.